Dienstag, 8. September 2015

First administrative and organisational Experiences

Back from his holiday, my contact person gave me a call back on Saturday in the late evening. First of all I was surprised by such an commitment, where no real holidays and no real weekend exist.
The call left me in some confusion and uncertainty. By now it seems to me that there is a big difference in treating asylum seeker and refugees. The first ones are the ones we know from media - sitting on the floors in Traiskirchen and being crapped in trains. They are looked after in the so called "Grundversorgung" as a basic supply.
The latter ones have already got a legal right to stay in Austria by now and have an access to our social system.

Shelter in form of flats should be offered to refugees. They should grant some longer perspective and should have a good standard. The NGO in charge cares for refugees and asylum seekers. Most of private flats should go to refugees (as they have only limited time to move out from their present accommodation after receiving their asylum). In the next step the Caritas can transfer asylum seekers to the former homes of these refugees.

My first perceptions:
My flat has to fulfill a kind of higher standard, than offering a bed, a cooking and washing opportunity and a roof on the top.
Even if the flat is suitable, there is not guarantee, that a baby child in Traiskirchen gets a better place than the cold and wet floor in or outside of its tent.
Asylum seekers shall better live in a camp with many others of their kind, than in some private hostels. (I have to admit that the last sentence is a bit sarcastic.)

On the phone we have made an appointment to check the possibilities and suitability of my flat.
I will keep you update.

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