Mittwoch, 30. September 2015

Private help connecting people

As the Caritas was not willing, and as the Diakonie was not able (by now) to find refugees for me, I have started a sort of Internet campaign and offered shelter ( Time went by, and well, here is my new family.

The familys background
The father is from Syria. The mother is from the Ukraine. They married some time ago and he - as a Syrian person - didn't get a Visa for the Ukraine. Back to Syria was not possible due to the beginning war. So they decided to head towards Europe. On their way, their son was born in the Turkey. They headed on to Greece - over the sea with a new born baby and a lousy boat. Their journey led them through Serbia and Hungaria to Austria. Now they applied for Visa. They were brought to Traiskirchen what is definitely not very attractive.
As I was looking for a family with a little child, they matched perfectly. He speaks little English and she has learnt German for one year. And I do not have any idea of one of their other languages (Arabic, Russian and Ukrainian language).

The flat
Many people helped together to prepare their new home and helped to supply my refugee family with equipment. I am really overwhelmed of the helpfulness from all those people around me.
A big thank to all involved private persons and companies.
I have changed my fitness room and my storage/bathing room in my so called poolhouse into a bedroom/livingroom and a kitchen with washing facilities. Some furniture I have organised via the internet and other things were offered by friends.

Within 3 days there was a new kitchen with an oven, a fridge and a microwave. A bedroom even with an extra bed for the little baby and a diaper changing table. The doors will be installed within the next two weeks. A washing machine will be delivered and installed this week and also the washing up should be working within some days.
It was really impressive that within so little time things like a slicer, a fridge, a bed, shoes and even a baby buggy were offered from various people.
Here are now mentioned just some companies that really were generous (by private belief or social conscious):

1A Installateur Cvach Großweikersdorf
Baumeister Huemer Stockerau
Elektro König Herzogenburg
Frischeis Stockerau
Kika Stockerau

Many thanks to all of them. Everybody who reads these lines should think, if such a help would be offered by Amazon. So - just pay a few more bucks to a company you know...


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